Seoul National University​

SNU Department of Physical Education

Guilt and Shame in Addiction Recovery Letting Go Blog

It’s also essential to learn how to forgive yourself. Dwelling on what you have done isn’t constructive to your recovery. Remember that the actions causing your guilt and shame are in the past, and what matters are your choices and actions today. No matter who you are or what you need, Clear Life Recovery can help. While guilt and shame are understandable, you can’t let them dictate your future or prevent you from getting critical assistance in overcoming your addiction. We strive to create treatment plans that will accommodate the individual goals and needs of each person we serve.

What is a primary difference between guilt and shame?

While you may use shame and guilt to describe your feelings interchangeably, there's a big difference between the two. Guilt can help you understand how your actions impact others, but shame is an inward-facing emotion that reflects how you feel about yourself.

Other times, guilt is related to the promises a person made but didn’t follow through on, like not initially seeking treatment after promising to do so. Someone with an addiction might even feel guilty based on how substance misuse has impacted their finances. Guilt is a common emotion people experience during recovery, but once apologies are made, it shouldn’t be a feeling that’s clung to. Read on if you or a loved one need help or can’t start a recovery program due to your negative feelings.

In Addiction and Recovery, Guilt Heals While Shame Poisons

Once you work through the amends process, continuing to be honest with yourself and others will build self-confidence and self-esteem. Guilt can be a useful emotion in that it keeps us accountable and signals when we need to take responsibility for our actions or make amends. Shame, however, does not have a useful function; it only serves to make us feel unworthy of healing and love.

guilt and shame in recovery

I think there’s that there’s a psychoanalyst Christopher bolus that talks about shame. The one thing that I longed for in the 12-step program that I felt was missing was this aspect, the mindfulness or meditation aspect. Got very involved in both and was Secretary of both meetings, etc. It was in refuge recovery, that I learned a practice that is rooted in eastern traditions, and gets picked up for sure in western traditions, and I’ve followed it ever since then. Now, now, having made that distinction, what’s to be done about this? You know, I’ve practiced for 10 years now, something I got very active early on, I’ve just, it’s okay if I speak personally.

Managing shame and guilt in addiction: A pathway to recovery

Drug addiction is always the ultimate catch-22. People suffering from mental disorders, such as depression, schizophrenia or trauma, will consume drugs or alcohol to numb the pain of the disorder. After a while however, the user discovers that drug addiction makes the mental disorder much worse. So now, the tormented mind must battle their mental disorder plus addiction.

  • Guilt sounds more like “I’ve done some bad things,” or “I did something I shouldn’t have.” We feel bad about our behaviors, but we know we’re still a good person.
  • Up until this point, this article has been bad mouthing both guilt and shame.
  • Now, that’s a mouthful but just think about that for a second.
  • People might prefer to keep quiet because they feel like they don’t have a place to share their voices or experiences.
  • I distinguish those and we’ll talk more about this probably today, Clint, I really make a distinction as to psychology between guilt and remorse on the one hand, and shame on the other.

The fact is, I know what it’s like to not live in shame all the time. And 90% of the time now what’s replaced shame is self-forgiveness or self-compassion. I personally believe that regret and we may talk later about guilt, I believe that regret and guilt are right and necessary for healing. And, by regret, what I mean is, is deep sorrow, deep sorrow for the wrongs we’ve done. The program of AA and NA talks about making amends, it means really taking to heart what we’ve done in wanting to make it right.

Start on your journey to recovery today to eliminate addiction

You become acutely aware of the harm you may have caused your loved ones, and this can lead to feelings of deep regret and guilt. Guilt may be related to the harmful things you did, but also to the things you promised you’d do and didn’t follow through with. Guilt is an appropriate response to these revelations, but should not be clung to once apologies and amends are made.

marijuana addiction

This situation becomes even more dangerous when substance abuse is a factor. Guilt and shame in addiction recovery are some of the biggest hurdles that addicts will face. Pervasive feelings of shame can keep you from achieving full recovery, but only if you let them. You can’t travel back in time and undo the past, but you can make a fresh start, and live a positive and meaningful life.

Overcoming Shame and Guilt in Addiction Recovery

While shame and guilt can result in various mental health conditions, having a mental disorder cause these feelings to surface. A person might be ashamed of their mental health and guilty for how they treat others when they’re struggling. Sometimes, mental health conditions aren’t the cause of these emotions, but they simply exist together. For example, a traumatic event in childhood can trigger a mental disorder and feelings of shame or guilt, even if these feelings are misplaced. Addiction recovery programs are vital for many.

guilt and shame in recovery

We can help you find the right treatment options to put you on the path to a lasting recovery. We offer a holistic approach utilizing a variety of services, including residential treatment, medically monitored detox, family program, and extended care and transitional living services. To find out more about what programs and services are available in our Pennsylvania recovery center, please contact us today.

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